Home Reflections


Let one raise the Self by the Self and not let the Self within become weak; The Self is, indeed,  the Self’s only friend, but the Self is also its own enemy Bhagavad Gita V1.5 As long as you feel that you are a separate entity from That which is Wholeness you will be subject...
Imagine an immense energy that people nowadays might call God, an energy filled with awareness, consciousness and the experience of bliss.  And this energy, let’s name it God, Breathes a sigh of immense bliss and from the reverberations of this blissful breath, all of creation is seeded and begins to manifest and unfold. And nothing and...
Aura Reading by the renowned Intuitive and Spiritual Therapist, Mynavati, to help raise funds for the monks of Gajang Tsawa Khangtsen, in India. Mynavati is offering a 30-minute Aura reading for a donational sum of £50. The Aura is related to the energy centres of the body and the seven...
The New Year 2023 is now very close as we are moving away from the Christmas celebrations. Some of you have had happy times. Some of you have had sad times, some of you have had busy times and some of you have had quiet times. And some of...
'Let your whole life be a spiritual song. Believe that God is everywhere at all times, and derive strength, comfort, and joy by singing His glory in His presence.' Sri Sathya Sai Baba We are living moving Yantras. A yantra is a geometrical diagram, or any object, used as an aid to meditation in...
Extract from Be Happy with Prayer, Meditation and Affirmation by Mynavati,  5 The bird with you, the wings with Me; The foot with you, the way with Me; The eye with you, the form with Me; The thing with you, the dream with Me; The world with you, the heaven with Me – So are we...
'Find the sweetness in your own heart, then you may find the sweetness in every heart.' Rumi Would you like to experience the Christmas and New Year festivities without the often highs and lows and the expectations that can lead to disappointments? Would you like to feel completely fulfilled with all your...
The key to spiritual maturity is to become less engaged in the ego. But this is easier thought of than done and there are many tools and qualities of the ego that can get in the way. Ideally, the more we mature and the more we have awareness, the less...
Reiki’s Hidden Jewels - A Transmission This year is the 25th anniversary of my Initiation as a Reiki Master. In the Bible, this number is considered as Grace upon Grace. But it is also the symbolic number of relationship and I could not imagine a more Divinely perfect time to...
followed by 9 Simple, Powerful Spiritual Healing Practices  for healing Hopelessness, Helplessness, Fear, Stress and Depression Dearest One, This is the script of the meditation in audio video on u tube which can be found on: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=524tR-s7JgM&feature=youtu.be The text is offered to you as a helpful accompaniment, as it clearly outlines the 9 Spiritual...