“I have come to light the lamp of Love in your hearts, to see that it shines day by day with added luster. I have not come on behalf of any exclusive religion. I have not come on a mission of publicity for a sect or creed or...
Geshela journeyed from Tibet after the Chinese Invasion in 1950. He trekked over the mountains, an arduous journey and took refuge in India. In time he was assigned to Mundgod, South India, where he was one of the original monks to help begin building and establishing Gaden Jangtse Tsawa...
Mynavati helps in raising awareness and sponsorship for Tibetan monks in the South of India, in Mundgod Karnataka and in particular, a particular house (Khangtsen) of Gaden Jangtse Monastery called Gajang Tsawa Khangtsen, where they refer to Mynavati as their mother, Ama Chahna La.
Gaden Jangtse Monastery has 12 houses...